TOUCH, a multimedia tour de force featuring Helge Sten (Kyma), Arve Henriksen (trumpet), Terje Isungset (percussion) and Therese Skauge (dance), was the first concert of the 2012 NOTAM Tuesdays series, taking place on 31 January 2012 at the National Stage (Schou quarter).

Arve Henriksen is an innovative artist in a wide range of music genres and TOUCH gave him a chance to show off his compositional side: the premiere of a new work commissioned by NOTAM. Helge Sten is linked to a number of different bands and projects, including Motorpsycho, Supersilent, and Minibus Pimps, as an artist making music at the intersection between noise, jazz, contemporary music, electronic music and rock. Terje Isungset is one of Europe’s leading innovative percussionists. The three musicians were joined by dancer Therese Skauge, visual artist Anastasia Isachsen and sound processing engineer Asle Karstadt.