The ear as an organ of knowledge

Unerhört! 3000(0) Jahre Neue Musik

So-called new music employs the aesthetic of resistance, of irritation, of reflection. But why, in comparison to the visual arts, is the abstract and contextual musical work still so difficult? Schoenberg’s prediction that his work would be understood in 50 years is today still an illusion…

The ear develops over time from mere alarm organ via the detour of seduction toward the organ of knowledge, a harrowing perspective on the inner and outer world.

Liberda is a composer, promoter and performer. His Lecture Performance is a tour de force through the history of sound systems, instrument development and notation systems towards a new theory of hearing.

Text and Performance: Bruno Liberda
Idea, development and scenic design: Fanny Brunner
Dramaturgical assistance: Hans-Jürgen Captain
Graphics: Klemens Wihlidal
Duration: 80 minutes

Premiere: March 12, 20:00 // Ateliertheater, Burggasse 72, 1070 Wien // 12 Euro
Box office at 19:00 // Reservations at 0681 819 630 or 62
A co-production of january thirteenth Vienna and Wiener Klangwerkstatt.