Kyma had a strong presence at the 2015 International Computer Music Conference in Denton Texas, September 25 — October 1, including live performances by
Jeffrey Stolet,

Wang Chi,
Jon Bellona,

and Sun Hua,

a keynote lecture by Symbolic Sound president Carla Scaletti,

a one-hour Kyma workshop also presented by Scaletti (new music pioneer Larry Austin is seen in the audience at the lower left)

and fixed media pieces by Fred Szymanski and Jinshuo Feng. (If we’ve left anyone out, please let us know!)
Thanks to the ICMC 2015 organizers, presenters, and composers!
Special thanks to the ICMC organizers, Wang Chi, Sun Hua, and Jon Bellona for the photos and Iacopo Sinigaglia for the video excerpt.