Composer Julien Bilodeau‘s Kroniks_01, for flute and live Kyma processing was performed by Geneviève Déraspe at the Cirmmt Center, McGill University on  Thursday, the 9th of December 2010.
The work, composed in 2005 was influenced by Karlheinz Stockhausen in its use of a single kernel of material to generate intervallic and durational relationships on multiple timescales, from the microstructure to the entire piece and even over multiple pieces of music in a larger cycle. This consistency is audible in the overall coherence of the piece and Déraspe brings an intensity and energy to the piece that makes it sizzle. Bilodeau used 84 flute samples reconstructed in sparkling granulations.
In keeping with its multi-scale structure, Â Kroniks_01 depicts the relationship between individual and the masses.