Between What Is and What Could Be…

The Hearding Cats Collective presents Between What Is and What Could Be, a concert in celebration of the 80th birthday of their co-founder and artistic director, Rich O’Donnell.

Director of the Washington University Electronic Music Studio in St. Louis, Rich O’Donnell’s musical career spans over six decades, including 43 years as principal percussionist with the St. Louis Symphony. O’Donnell is also a prolific composer, innovator and inventor of percussion and electronic instruments, a producer, a teacher and a writer.

Between What Is and What Could Be spans 47 years of creative work, from O’Donnell’s 1970 MikroTimbre I solo for amplified TamTam, to free improvisation in the present moment with the Symprov Trio, an ensemble of virtuoso current and former St. Louis Symphony Orchestra musicians Asako Kuboki (violin) and Timothy Myers (trombone), and includes interludes featuring O’Donnell’s virtual drumming on Wiimote and nunchuck to accompany Casper McElwee’s 3D Anaglyph video and live poetry performance by Anna Lum.  It’s a major birthday, so there will be other surprises as well!

Rich O 80 logo
Sunday, 26 February – 7:30pm
The Sheldon Ballroom, 3648 Washington
St. Louis, Missouri USA
General Admission $20, Student and Artist $15
Please RSVP

Visit the Hearding Cats Collective site for full details.