The Sound of Schrödinger

Stephen Taylor and four other musicians from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign will be using Kyma as part of the incidental music for a performance of Quantum Voyages at the American Physical Society annual meeting in Anaheim, California, 15 March 2025.

Smitha Vishveshwara, Latrelle Bright, Stephen Taylor are CASCaDe (Collective for Arts-Science, Creativity and Discovery, etc)

In the play Quantum Voyages, by Smitha Vishveshwara and Latrelle Bright, two voyagers enter the microscopic realm of atomic landscapes and quantum conundrums and, guided by Sapienza, discover a magnificent and baffling world where they confront terrifying prospects of being Dead and Alive at the same time, glide through diaphanous orbitals of atoms, levitate above superconducting surfaces, and precess through Magnetic Resonant Imaging machines. Finally they emerge, awakened to the microworlds within us and the affirmation that things are never what they seem.

Live incidental music will be performed by:

  • Stephen Taylor: keyboards and Kyma
  • Xavier Davenport: spinductor* and guitar
  • Na’ilah Ali: electric violin
  • Jason Finkelman: percussion
  • Jake Metz: mixing and sound design

Kyma is used for generating complex spectra and other sounds to represent the Schroedinger equation and for work with extended tuning systems. The premiere will be in Anaheim on 15 March 2025, with a second performance at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Illinois on 19 April 2025.

* The Spinductor is an instrument that sends OSC messages to Kyma and was created  by Xavier Davenport