Kyma Workshop in Brazil

Berkley-California-based composer/performer, Silvia Matheus, will be presenting a Kyma 7 seminar in Portuguese on October 8th 2015 at 1 pm in room 324 of FASM (Faculdade Santa Marcelina Convida) in São Paolo, Brazil.

Matheus describes Kyma as more than a language, but a complete production system for unique sound design used in the most famous film and sound production studios. In this seminar, she will demonstrate Kyma and provide an overview of the Pacarana system and Kyma language, addressing the numerous possibilities for sound transformation derived from this innovative and complex system.

No prerequisites are required and all compositores, músicos, sonoplastas, pesquisadores, game designers e artistas de som are invited to attend.

Faculdade Santa Marcelina – FASM
R. Dr. Emílio Ribas
89 – Perdizes
Ṣo Paulo РSP, 05006-020, Brazil
+55 11 3824-5800