Ethereal Mbiraski

Yasuski (aka Yasushi Yoshida) has just posted a series of videos of his handmade Mbiraski instrument processed live through Kyma and his Audio Hologram (a 3D performance space of his own design).  Etheral, calming, and deceptively organic, it’s the perfect music for a summer day.

Here’s one where Yasuski goes Medieval on us with a closer view of the Mbiraski and Delora Software’s vKiP controlling Kyma from an iPad:

And another where the Kyma processing almost sounds like frogs on hot, humid summer night:

Kyma Control

Symbolic Sound’s Kyma Control for the iPad bundles four of the most popular Kyma controller-types into one, wireless multi-touch package that includes: a VCS, a pen/tablet controller, standard and Tonnetz keyboards, and accelerometers plus compass heading. Kyma Control is available from the Apple App Store (

Symbolic Sound’s Kyma Control for the iPad bundles four of the most popular Kyma controller-types into one, wireless multi-touch package that includes: a VCS, a pen/tablet controller, standard and Tonnetz keyboards, and accelerometers plus compass heading.  Check out the video demo.  Kyma Control is available from the Apple App Store.